Spring is still here with showers and chilly weather even though summer tried to make an appearance a couple of times. I was pleasantly interrupted by my best apprentice, my grand daughter's visit. She learned how to use the equipment very fast and was a great help.
Below is the "PURPLE WIND of the NORTH EAST/ WEALTH" that is now sold as well as the finished "GREEN WOOD of the EAST / HEALTH" commission !
So clearly I've not been too set back.
The next set back was a ripping front apron on the loom.
Luckily I have a fantastic upholsterer a few blocks away and in 15 minutes he had mended the original canvas apron from AVL with a leather patch and its holding well.

Below shows how much a piece changes through the steaming process, especially the fringe as you can see. I use an old Jiffy Steamer that has a lovely metal head that has a lot of weight which I really like.I steam the back and measure carefully, shrinking bubbles and straightening lines ( the purple above needs another steaming but the camera exaggerates a bit). You can do a lot with this finishing technique but you must be careful not to make things worse.

These are 4 of what I call "SKINNIES" that are 45"x9" that I wove all at the same time. Both have the Fibonacci Series as their design basis. Pictures show the piece of plastic that protects the piece from abrading when I rub up against it as I stand and weave. Also shown is my antique sock darner that I got at the thrift store for $.50 that I use to push the needle through the warp channel and the pliers I then use to pull the needle through( my little fingers can only take so much).

I'll Post the finished pictures next time as well as what's on the loom now. I am finally
finished with commissions and can now concentrate on the two shows I have coming up. One is at my local County Commissioners Office/ Gallery from June 1st- July 14th with a reception June 4th.
The other is at the Tapestry Gallery in Madrid ,New Mexico , Firehouse Lane from June 1st - August 31st with a reception right before the HGA Convergence Convention on Saturday July 17th 1 pm -4:30
So back to the loom I go!