Yes, that was a fast month, before I knew it was here ,... it was over, or almost.
I survived the influx of Convergence with it's share of stepped on toes ( ouch!) and noses poked where they didn't belong, but it had its share of bright spots. One such bright spot was a visit by a Tapestry Artist from Providence RI, Jan Austin.Here is her link, austintapestry.blogspot.com/ (The color has changed and I don't know why? Bloggers?)and Thanks Jan for your link to me in your last post.
The proverbial photo of photo taking referencing infinities ( see jan's last post for a Pic of me taking this) and one of Jan posed in front of the sister piece to the Weaving Southwest photo from the recent article in USA Today http://travel.usatoday.com/destinations/summerroadtrip/index.( I was a little nervous about these images of my pieces as I have had recent copyright troubles)
But the visit with Jan was great and she is a joy.

Then Mercury went retrograde and everthing possible broke from the fuse box which my air compressor uses, to no internet, no e- mail, to a broken board on the deck. I'm still trying to fix the light in the utility room. And then an influx of visitors, including my best apprentice, my granddaughter, who mastered dovetail joins quicker than I've ever seen. A quick trip to CA and back delivering college student and stuff and I'm back to the loom. In between I finished a warp , put a new one on ( 9 1/2 yards every 3 months) and reshuffled my show in Madrid NM(Left) to be able to put a new " Fractured Square" ( Reds Blacks & Golds) in a beautiful nook in the Albuquerque Museum of Art & History's Gallery Store, (RIGHT).

At the end and the beginning of a warp I do little pieces anywhere from 2-6 pieces at the same time. I ended with the 4 little "Feng Shuis" ( 10"x 10") $110 ea in brighter colors this time ,

and began the new warp with 3 little panorama pieces of "Fractured Squares" 7"x13". I hope to finish them today! YAY!
And another bright spot was my little Trader Joes $8 orchid that bloomed again and is still blooming!

Recently there have been so many disparaging comments on "Contemporary Tapestry" and Southwest Tapestry" As someone who creates works of Art in this genre using Tapestry as my mediumI feel compelled to respond somewhat to all this. Firstly, ERUDITE is a good word, not a put down (having or showing great knowledge or learning.) I definitely am drawn to bold graphic images and that is what I create . I never expect everyone to have this same aesthetic, it is my path and that is all. All truly authentic paths have equal value, however sometimes the distilled and simplified is harder to grasp and understand and often quite difficult to pull off.
I could go on and on but I'll end with a picture of my glass collection window. I found most all of them from the thrift store or from artist friends and I was inspired by a short story by AS Byatt.I love her writing and I love Glass!!