After more than 100 days with no rain it rained all night and still is though the sun is trying hard to come out. Nothing more dramatic than the light during an intermittent storm at these high elevations. Beautiful!
And I've finally figured out how to post ( with pictures )on this laptop so here goes.
I have been inordinately busy and of course that led to some kind of bronchitis that I'm just getting over.
I finished weaving all the work for my solo exhibit in Taos NM at the Weaving Southwest gallery on Saturday, finishing,steaming and photography on Sunday and Monday,delivered it on Tuesday and attended the opening on Saturday.

When I got there I was a bit worried as the Gallery Owner, Theresa Loveless, ( Rachel Brown's Granddaughter) was the first gallery owner to take on the challenge of free hanging my tapestries , as I finish the back of all my work. As I walked in I was bowled away by the impact of it as well as the clever use of space she made. Each piece was hung on angle so that each could be viewed on it's own and all were staggered in space to give a beautiful flow.You almost felt as if you were walking past invisible walls, a lovely and natural maze like feeling. All the other artists represented by the gallery were on the wall, artfully arranged in color ways that lent a beautiful background to mine in the center of the room. Here is a link to a you tube video of a portion of the opening . You really feel as if you are there, but no food and the food was wonderful!
(And the fellow
in the traditional long Indian shirt is my husband Devendra, who you will see more of in the next blog or two as we install the pieces that I sold through the NM Public Art Program.) |

We had a really successful opening and sold the largest piece in the show! (The one closest to the food table, far right in picture on right).
And since the opening I have been trying to put a new warp on and get ready for my next show (FULL SPECTRUM) which begins July 22cd and will have an assortment of tapestries from my various series with an emphasis on my Feng Shui Series , especially the GREEN WOOD to augment health.
Also I was asked to teach another Beginning Tapestry Class at our local yarn shop, Village Wools so that has been taking my weekends and I have had another new student in the studio. So much work, so little time!
When I went to put on the new warp I saw there was just enough warp left to eke out 4 little 10" square pieces ( I'll try and get some pictures of these for the next post) so I hope to finish those today and get that pesky new warp on soooo BACK TO THE LOOM!