But my pond is flourishing and the lilies look happy.
with a class at Village Wools, our local yarn shop, with three lovely ladies who requested a class.
had some scheduling problems which were fixed by a class
here at the studio.
There was much discussion recently about where does an artist look for validation? In Guilds, Master programs, the public , our peers? I have had a lot of problems with the so called BIG groups, such as HGA,( a venue I was closely involved with, on advisory board and initiator of their weaving pillar in their exhibit schedule( which no longer exists) was literally stolen during Convergence. Another group enlisted a weaver to teach at one of my galleries and this weaver had just delivered the "cease and desisted" document to my lawyer about a "blatant " ( Lawyer's words) copyright infringement. This same group copied me on a scathing email about my work after I inquired about getting someone from the group to review my Solo Show for their newsletter.
What do you do? The best thing is just to take what is useful to you and leave the rest.Look for professional behavior, act professionally and leave the rest. The hot wind continues to blow here in NM and I keep remembering pruning. The weak limbs fall, the strong persevere. I am lucky enough to have fantastic galleries who appreciate me and marvelous and loyal clients who collect my work.
And I love my work, the product and especially the process.

It was a very busy month and a half since my last post and June was my birthday month ( My Fibonacci Year as I turned 53 in 2011, ..........0,1,1,2,3,5 , any one else with a Fibonacci birthday? If you are my age you did, let me know in the comments box below) I tried to give my self mini vacations on several afternoons to swim and lounge by the pool. Designed several pieces in the pool! So was it work?.