Yes it's been way too long, fall is here and the garden is winding down. I have a lot of harvesting to do and my green chile is ready to roast! I have had an abundance of squash, and true to the 3 sisters I grew corn with them and pole beans up the corn. With my abundant asian greens mix I have eaten freah salad everyday with lots of fresh corn scraped right from the cob into the salad.
I should be getting ready to plant the winter cover crop soon to turn over for green manure.
But once again I have sheduled my self very busy. I now have 5 galleries and am here today at my Co op gallery, Corrales Bosque Gallery,
http://www.corralesbosquegallery.com/Gallery_website/Home.html. I finally had the second sale here as things have been slow and my collectors are finally getting the idea that I am here.
They sold the piece in the middle in the pic on the left and on the right is a new piece from my "Architectonic Series" with a nice KUDOS plaque that the gallery now has to celebrate their artist's accomplishments. This is for a recent article about my work in the St John's College ( my Alma Mater)'s quarterly magazineI have also scheduled 2 solo Tapestry shows for 2014, more later on these and 1 solo show of my mixed media work , so after my shift is done it will be back to the Loom!