Yes another summer almost gone and now I think I am managing only a post every 1 1/2 months.
So in the interest of time economy there will be lots of pictures!!
There is always so much more to do! But I am making sure I enjoy my garden , ( enjoy the pics) I finally grew some nice big ears of sweet corn, the sweeter for having grown it my self. And beans and squash not to mention the carrots and beets!!!
And the tomatoes are starting to ripen. One plant I saved for 99 cents at a hardware store sale has outgrown it's large cage and the tomatoes are baseball to softball sized!!!
And I am making sure I am enjoying my beautiful back yard and swimming in my awesome little pool ( 60laps /day ,it's a small pool but that's a 1/4 mile!)
Here is a great picture of the back yard and pool from when we were having such lovely storms, now it is back to hot and it 's all good!
And now to work! I have been placing "In Progress "pictures on facebook . This has been a lot of fun
and please become a fan or friend and keep up with my progress getting work ready for my solo show in November. Here are a few that were posted in case you missed them. It is really fun to see them progress like this and it does server to mark and remind me of my accomplishments.
And speaking of Accomplishments... A writer asked me for a higher resolution image of a Tapestry that was in the Bridges Art/ Math Show at Towson University Md last month.
I had no idea she was writing for my favorite magazine Scientific American! And my pice is in the slide show of her article on the show! here is the Link
How cool is that!!
For any one interested and especially Tapestry Artists there is an online Yahoo Tapestry group that they could join. I am a member and there has been an interesting thread of conversation going on about the changes in the gallery systems due to our changing economic times. This is so true but I also feel it has been true throughout my entire career as a Tapestry Artist.
Just when you think you have all your ducks lined up , one flies away,one gets eaten by a wolf,etc, you get the picture. And then you search about like mad to find another and get it lined up and it begins again. I call it the cycle of entropy and it's this same principle that is the reason why everything only gets dirtier and messier , never cleaner , unless we add our Positive, I repeat Positive Energy to it.
Which is why I recently joined a very nice group of Artists,(many whom I have known for years but have been too busy and needed a reason to get back in touch with) in a Co operative Gallery. It's in the beautiful Village of Coralles just North and west of ABQ. I'll be working there in September on the mornings of the 11th, 17th and 24th. So if you are that way come visit, place a commission with me or purchase something from the Gallery( I get Gallery bucks to buy other artists work, a % of my sales so come help me out, I've got my eye on a few things.Above is a picture of my Tapestries in the Gallery! But now it is , BACK TO THE LOOM TIME!!