AND , the Gallery ( the WEYRICH Gallery, http://www.weyrichgallery.com/ ) SOLD all the pieces that were in the article! and many more! Making it one of my best shows ever!!
Due to my participation in the BRIDGES Art and Math exhibit in 2012, http://bridgesmathart.org/bridges-2012/2012-art-exhibition/ I was included in a slide show of the show in my favorite magazine the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN , on line version, http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=bridging-the-gap
AND the AMERICAN CRAFT Magazine covered this same show and I was featured both on line and in print! http://craftcouncil.org/magazine/article/number-crunchers
So all that was very exciting. My little co op gallery made a couple sales as did my other great gallery in Madrid NM, the Tapestry Gallery. We need more people to check out how wonderful Madrid is!
AND my old gallery WEAVING SOUTHWEST has stated to carry my tapestries again!
So now that's a lot of links for you to look at and here is a look at the last Tapestry finished in the old year and will be for my solo show at the Weyrich Gallery opening Feb 1st , ( I gotta get cracking!, or weaving I should say)

1 1/2 hours to go and I can get back to the Loom!!
Introvert adalah sifat manusia yang cenderung menyendiri daripada bergaul dengan banyak orang. Hampir mirip dengan anti sosial, namun introvert lebih memilih diam sebelum akhirnya berbicara dengan bahasa yang lebih efektif. Mungkinkah Pengaruh Judi Online Berlebihan bisa berujung dengan introvert ? Atau Judi Online Malah Menyebabkan Anti Sosial ? (Baca Selengkapnya...)