Here are some in progress picture. Before I sew in all the ends and after, so my pieces are all reversible and easy to clean. And some finished pictures too!
It was interesting that they wanted a dawn sky and this was at the same time as the thread in the Tapestry on line group about dawn versus sunset. I also am not a dawn person , love those conveniently timed sunsets though. After trying unsuccessfully to capture a dawn sky, ( it's hard to aim the camera when you are asleep) the clients sent their own pictures which was the basis for the sky, and a landscape view from the deck attached to the room the piece will go in was the inspiration for the landscape. The whole circle element is only 9 inches in diameter so the scale was small, and the whole piece is 54" x 46".

Introvert adalah sifat manusia yang cenderung menyendiri daripada bergaul dengan banyak orang. Hampir mirip dengan anti sosial, namun introvert lebih memilih diam sebelum akhirnya berbicara dengan bahasa yang lebih efektif. Mungkinkah Pengaruh Judi Online Berlebihan bisa berujung dengan introvert ? Atau Judi Online Malah Menyebabkan Anti Sosial ? (Baca Selengkapnya...)